Clutchpoint can offer highly competitive support rates onsite, offsite or offshore, by packaging term commitments for specific staffing levels. The longer the term, and the greater the expected service scope, the higher the cost savings.
Our Internal Projects include:
ExtendedCare Professional Utilization (EPU)
CLUTCHPOINT has undertaken the task of designing the application EPU in-house to improve the opportunities, and challenges in making the application successful.
EPU is used to assist in the communication between Hospitals, Service Providers, and Payers. The user could create and send referrals to different service providers through the application. The application is used to document patient reviews, communicate electronically patient data to the payers and capture approved and denied days. The application is also used to generate various reports to help the Hospitals in better Case Management.
Hospital Management Application
CLUTCHPOINT has undertaken the task of designing the Hospital application in-house to develop an integrated web-based application that allows to access patient records from anywhere.
The application will be developed in Visual Basic, with the database residing in SQL Server on a 2003 machine. The server used a combination of SQL Server, Visual Basic server programs, and EDI. Most of the business logic for underwriting guidelines generation resided in stored procedures running under SQL Server.